DUO EXHIBITION | March2-30, 2022
'Pixels of Surrey'
ARTIST STATEMENT | ‘The Pixels of Surrey’ is a collection of images taken in my constant exploration of the place where I live. With endless curiosity, following the sun and clouds, we discover that the same place can have many different faces, and the same face can have a completely different expression depending on time of day, the angle of the sun, the cloud formation, and our own mood. In my photography endeavours, I tend to do it as expressively as possible, with very little editing, in an effort to catch that perfect moment that nature and built environment offers as honestly as they do, with very little or no embellishment. I believe that spectacle is not necessary for a good image. Nature and architecture can speak for themselves in small words, in discrete gestures, and still deliver a deeper meaning that can touch us profoundly.
An Artist With Roots From The Middle East'
ARTIST STATEMENT | To me photography is a way to transcend from mundane existence to spiritual richness. It is a medium where chaos and harmony work side by side in a tango of diversity and subtle uniformity. I am an advocate of the principle concept that photography, in its deepest artistic form, is a three point bridge between the artist, the subject and the eye of the beholder. For my art work to be effective, I try to invoke the feelings of the observer based in her or his own life journey. Whether it is a gentle stream, a crushing wave, a landscape, the lines of a human body, trees as ancient as life itself, the minute details of the smallest creatures or as big as distant stars, or our cosmopolitan human surrounding, I try to find what connects to the viewer and build on it. Nothing is more enjoying to me than hearing the diverse feelings and interpretations of my art work viewers, based on their experiences.
In-Person Viewing at the ACS GALLERY in Newton Cultural Centre No Appointment Required | 604.594.2700
ENJOY THE VIRTUAL EXHIBITION BELOW | Click on images to enlarge.
All image are subject to copyright.
...coming March 15th

AN ONLINE EXCLUSIVE | Watch this great interview-style video with the exhibiting artists in this Duo exhibition featuring Branislav Vrbaski 'Pixels of Surrey' and Munir El-Kadi 'PHASES: An Artist With Roots From The Middle East' . Gain insight into the 'inspiration' behind their works of art. Interviews conducted by - and video produced by - Wendy Mould.