Photographer & Digital Artist

Exhibition: January 6 – 30
In-Person By Appointment Only
Newton Cultural Centre
Jim found his passion for photography in his early teens after joining the high school camera club.
He took photos for years as a hobbyist and also as a professional in the area of photojournalist.
He is a photoshop expert and can answer almost any question. Jim has won 14 gold, 9 silver and 5 bronze medals and HM’s from the Canadian Association for Photographic Art and received one of the highest honours, the F.C.A.P.A. award. His work has been published many times most recently on the cover page of Arts Council of Surrey Spotlight on the Arts Magazine (September & November 2018). Jim has sold works in Canada, USA, Europe and Asia.
Website: jim-hatch.pixels.com
Flicker: jimo66
Instagram: @jimo663
Join ACS Director, producer and visual artist Wendy Mould as she interviews photog Jim Hatch whose work is featured January 2021 in the ACS GALLERY and online.
Enjoy the Exhibition….